My Kitchen Redesign

A few months ago, hubby and I decided to repaint the kitchen. What I thought was going to be a simple task turned out to be a full-blown project!  Aside from new paint on the walls, new shelves were also installed, the kitchen island repainted, and the cabinets,  decluttered. It took us about a couple ofContinue reading “My Kitchen Redesign”

The Weekend List: Breakfast Oatmeal Bake, Homemade Air Freshener and Organized Pantry

Yay! It’s another long weekend! This means I’ll have extra time to do more things such as prepare breakfast that we can eat for a whole week and  clean and organize the house. For starters, I’ll give this Breakfast Oatmeal Bake one more try (last time I baked it, it was a bit bland).  ClickContinue reading “The Weekend List: Breakfast Oatmeal Bake, Homemade Air Freshener and Organized Pantry”

Pantry for a Week

Well, this is how my Pantry Project turned out. I know the cleaning stuff should be at the bottom (or even out) of the cabinet  but this is just temporary. My laundry basket is actually a plastic basket that I bought from Farmer’s Market. Meanwhile, the ugly plastic bags found a nice home in thisContinue reading “Pantry for a Week”

Let’s Pantry!

I’ve been trying to re-arrange my pantry for the past three days.  (Well, it’s not really the pantry, more of the maid’s room.) So far, it has been quite a feat because it’s not easy to ‘train’ my two male housemates (read:  my husband and my brother) to use it properly.  After all, it becameContinue reading “Let’s Pantry!”