Small Office Makeover on a Budget

Sir Terence Conran, the great British designer and my personal design hero, had a special affection for light. He said “light, more than any other element of the interior, generates mood and atmosphere: it is a direct line to the emotion. Sight is our most highly developed sense, and it is not surprising that light,Continue reading “Small Office Makeover on a Budget”

VIDEO: Living With Liselotte Watkins

DISCIPLINE – LIVING WITH – Liselotte Watkins from Discipline Design on Vimeo. Liselotte Watkins is an illustrator from Sweden. She is currently living in Italy with her family. Here, she talks about her creative process, and how having her children around helps her in her work.  And may I say I JUST LOVE HER HOUSE!Continue reading “VIDEO: Living With Liselotte Watkins”