Taking care of furniture with a great find from Japan Home

I’ve had my home office table for almost twenty years now. It’s one of the first few pieces I bought when I decided to live on my own. It was a bit pricey then but the investment was worth it. I can’t even begin to tell you how many scripts were written on this desk!Continue reading “Taking care of furniture with a great find from Japan Home”

Shopping Confessions of a Coffee Addict

I LOVE coffee. How much? Let me count the ways:  I have 4 stove-top espresso makers of varying sizes, 3 French presses, 1 3-cup Chemex coffeemaker,  1 Vietnamese phin and 2 Kalita drippers. Whew!   Needless to say, I am a coffee enthusiast.   So over the weekend, I went mock-shopping over at Shopback.ph for something that  canContinue reading “Shopping Confessions of a Coffee Addict”

My Moleskine Planner Hack

So here I am at the beginning of a new year with a new Moleskine with fresh, crisp pages to write on. But as not all notebooks are created equal, even Moleskines need a hack or two. So here are some tips.