Small Office Makeover on a Budget

Sir Terence Conran, the great British designer and my personal design hero, had a special affection for light. He said “light, more than any other element of the interior, generates mood and atmosphere: it is a direct line to the emotion. Sight is our most highly developed sense, and it is not surprising that light,Continue reading “Small Office Makeover on a Budget”

A Dose of Simple Living E-zine

A lot has transpired over the last few months. Finally, I have managed to put up my online shop which I’ve been planning to do since forever! I will talk about it in another post but meanwhile, you can check it out here: A Dose of Simple Shop. I also have some big news! FinallyContinue reading “A Dose of Simple Living E-zine”

Taking care of furniture with a great find from Japan Home

I’ve had my home office table for almost twenty years now. It’s one of the first few pieces I bought when I decided to live on my own. It was a bit pricey then but the investment was worth it. I can’t even begin to tell you how many scripts were written on this desk!Continue reading “Taking care of furniture with a great find from Japan Home”

My Plant Propagation Station

These days I find myself having the most wonderful time tending to my gardens. Yes, me. The one who used to kill cacti regularly. Yes, the self-confessed plant-killer now has several pocket gardens around and inside her home. Imagine that! So one of my most favorite things to do recently is propagating my plants. I’veContinue reading “My Plant Propagation Station”