Trick or Treat a la Aklan

In Aklan, Philippines, people usually cook ‘biko‘ (sticky rice cooked in coconut milk and brown sugar) on November 1 and offer a plate to their departed loved ones. Meanwhile, children pretending to be ghouls (minus the elaborate costumes) go around the neighborhoods chanting ‘Ngayo’t biko!’ demanding that they be given a plate of this deliciousContinue reading “Trick or Treat a la Aklan”

Weekend Snap: Coffee with Joy and Love

  One of life’s simple pleasures is to get a chance to unwind at home, with a good book in one hand, and a cup of hot coffee in another. I wish every day is a weekend.   Food for Thought: Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson ThereContinue reading “Weekend Snap: Coffee with Joy and Love”