This Week on Instagram: Leathercraft, Relearning Old Skills, and a Pleasant Surprise

The past week has left me so stressed out, what with having to deal with my research (for my masters) and Kofi’s chronic dermatitis. Good thing I had a bit of free time to spend on relearning how to cut and stitch leather— skills I have put aside for the past 12 years. The wholeContinue reading “This Week on Instagram: Leathercraft, Relearning Old Skills, and a Pleasant Surprise”

This Week on Instagram: Attempts at Gardening, Being Lazy, Birthdays, and a Pleasant Surprise

The past two weekends were just about lazing around. There was that attempt to do succulent-gardening, which was a relative success. And then, the next weekend became days for celebrating two birthdays and  hosting a reunion with friends. And before the celebrations ended, a pleasant surprise came from a friend who had  just arrived from Japan!Continue reading “This Week on Instagram: Attempts at Gardening, Being Lazy, Birthdays, and a Pleasant Surprise”

This Week on Instagram: Home Sweet Home

After almost a year,  I was finally able to go home to my hometown in Ibajay, Aklan last week.  The trip was even more special because we celebrated my mother’s birthday, which was just a couple of days after our town’s  Ati-Atihan Festival. As always, going home and seeing my parents was such a relaxing andContinue reading “This Week on Instagram: Home Sweet Home”

The Week on Instagram: The Top Shot Series

I once declared that I was never going to use Instagram. Ever. But due to a blog-related development, I was forced had to create an account. Long story short, here I am, using the application at every opportunity. The truth is, Instagram has become a great venue for me to practice photography.