My Kitchen Redesign

A few months ago, hubby and I decided to repaint the kitchen. What I thought was going to be a simple task turned out to be a full-blown project!  Aside from new paint on the walls, new shelves were also installed, the kitchen island repainted, and the cabinets,  decluttered. It took us about a couple of weeks to complete the project. But I have to say I’m quite happy with the result.  Now on to the living room!



The kitchen cabinets used to be avocado green, and the walls light brown. So the first order of business was to brighten the kitchen  by painting the walls white and the cabinets light gray.


The next order of business was to organize all my plates and kitchenware. I didn’t realize just how many sets of plates and glasses I actually had hidden inside the cabinets. And I never bothered to check since the shelves and cabinets were built too high. So the solution was to declutter and sell the unused sets and install a couple of floating shelves  so I can display and have easy access to the ones I’ve decided to keep.




These wire baskets are certainly clutter-busters!  Bought them from Japan Store for  88 bucks each.

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Putting spices in mason jars and kitchen staples like potatoes and garlic in wire baskets is a great way to make sure that I never run out of much needed ingredients.


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I repainted and revarnished the kitchen island in less than 3 hours!

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Food for Thought:

“Always remember: If you’re alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who’s going to know?”

-Julia Child


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