My Plant Propagation Station

These days I find myself having the most wonderful time tending to my gardens. Yes, me. The one who used to kill cacti regularly. Yes, the self-confessed plant-killer now has several pocket gardens around and inside her home. Imagine that! So one of my most favorite things to do recently is propagating my plants. I’veContinue reading “My Plant Propagation Station”

Trick or Treat a la Aklan

In Aklan, Philippines, people usually cook ‘biko‘ (sticky rice cooked in coconut milk and brown sugar) on November 1 and offer a plate to their departed loved ones. Meanwhile, children pretending to be ghouls (minus the elaborate costumes) go around the neighborhoods chanting ‘Ngayo’t biko!’ demanding that they be given a plate of this deliciousContinue reading “Trick or Treat a la Aklan”

Weekend Snap: Coffee with Joy and Love

  One of life’s simple pleasures is to get a chance to unwind at home, with a good book in one hand, and a cup of hot coffee in another. I wish every day is a weekend.   Food for Thought: Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson ThereContinue reading “Weekend Snap: Coffee with Joy and Love”

This Week on Instagram: Attempts at Gardening, Being Lazy, Birthdays, and a Pleasant Surprise

The past two weekends were just about lazing around. There was that attempt to do succulent-gardening, which was a relative success. And then, the next weekend became days for celebrating two birthdays and  hosting a reunion with friends. And before the celebrations ended, a pleasant surprise came from a friend who had  just arrived from Japan!Continue reading “This Week on Instagram: Attempts at Gardening, Being Lazy, Birthdays, and a Pleasant Surprise”