Small Office Makeover on a Budget

Sir Terence Conran, the great British designer and my personal design hero, had a special affection for light. He said “light, more than any other element of the interior, generates mood and atmosphere: it is a direct line to the emotion. Sight is our most highly developed sense, and it is not surprising that light,Continue reading “Small Office Makeover on a Budget”

A Dose of Simple Living E-zine

A lot has transpired over the last few months. Finally, I have managed to put up my online shop which I’ve been planning to do since forever! I will talk about it in another post but meanwhile, you can check it out here: A Dose of Simple Shop. I also have some big news! FinallyContinue reading “A Dose of Simple Living E-zine”

Simple living in an abandoned yard

I have been longing to live  away from the city; to be surrounded by nature and just work from home. The idea that I don’t have to drive daily to the office is really appealing to me. And as always, I look to the internet for inspiration. How I envy this couple!  Both born inContinue reading “Simple living in an abandoned yard”

Free 2016 Printable Calendar from A Dose of Simple

2015 has been quite a year for me. “Eventful” doesn’t even begin to describe it. But I’m not complaining. After all, I feel that I have accomplished so much in a span of 12 months.  I’m still wondering how I got out of 2015 still in one piece, though!  All I’m certain of is thatContinue reading “Free 2016 Printable Calendar from A Dose of Simple”