Simple living in an abandoned yard

I have been longing to live  away from the city; to be surrounded by nature and just work from home. The idea that I don’t have to drive daily to the office is really appealing to me. And as always, I look to the internet for inspiration.

a dose of simple abandoned yard makeover

How I envy this couple!  Both born in 1989, Yixiao and Peng Dele are freelancers living and working in Beijing. Their story of simple living began in  2016 when they rented an abandoned yard of 600 m2 in Shunyi District.  50 km away from downtown, the yard became a place where they flourished, both as artists and as a couple. Via 条 YIT.


Have you seen anything that has inspired you lately? Tell me about it! Drop me an email at And follow me @adoseofsimple on FB.

Food for Thought:

“Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning sun can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day – like writing a poem, or saying a prayer.”

― Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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