Taking care of furniture with a great find from Japan Home

I’ve had my home office table for almost twenty years now. It’s one of the first few pieces I bought when I decided to live on my own. It was a bit pricey then but the investment was worth it. I can’t even begin to tell you how many scripts were written on this desk!


I take care of this table by using furniture polish at least once a week. That used to be enough. But recently, my  frisky cat Ginger has started the habit of jumping on the table whenever I’m working. I don’t really mind the company. But look at my poor table!


To hide the marks, I apply (read: massage)  dark brown furniture wax on the scratches then finish off with Old English furniture polish.


I’ve also decided to put furniture felt protectors on one of my wooden storage drawers to prevent further scratching. Unfortunately the ‘feet’ of the drawers are oddly-shaped.


Good thing I found this cut-it-yourself  felt protector pads in Japan Home Centre (which I absolutely love, by the way). This pack of 3 sheets was on sale for 66 bucks!


I love the printed grid on the sticker side of the sheets as it made it easier to mark the size of the felt pad I needed.


Once cut, just remove the sticker paper and attach the sticky side to the part you want to cover. And voila!


You can trim off the excess pad if you can’t stand seeing it. I did! 🙂


Now I wonder if they make pads for cat paws. 😉


How about you? Do you have any tips on how to take care of  wooden furniture? Let me know on the comments section below.


Food for Thought:

A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy.

-Albert Einstein


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