My Little Corner: A Writer’s Space


I’ve been so busy lately that I’ve neglected some areas of the house, including the lanai. If you’ve been following this blog, you’d know how much I love this lanai and how I’ve rescued it from total abandonment time and time again.

Well, this year is no different. Due to work,  I’ve had no time to maintain it and it has become a bodega of sorts yet again (plus the cats’ favorite hangout and occasional giant litter box). Thankfully, because of the holidays,  I was able to spend a day cleaning and taking out trash and now,  here it is! I have reclaimed my writing space! Yes!


adoseofsimple_home_14This owl is guarding my every move. 😉 

Surround yourself with things that you love. They will cheer you up even during your darkest moments. This watercan  from Ikea, a pasalubong from my sister-in-law, just makes me happy. 


adoseofsimple_home_4I just love these painted stones from Papemelroti. And they’re super cheap, too! The Japanese cup and saucer are from a surplus shop.  The embroidered table cloth is vintage and a hand-me-down from my mother. And the book is from my friend Grace Leung’s online book shop. Check it out here.

adoseofsimple_home_6Sometimes I can’t write when I don’t have a cup of coffee on my table. How about you?

adoseofsimple_home_5The pour over method is still the best way to brew, methinks. I use this Kalita ceramic dripper 102. I’m a bit old-fashioned that way.   I buy my coffee filters from Daiso for 88 bucks/100 pcs.


adoseofsimple_home_11The cats are plotting their takeover!


I really do hope I’ll be able to keep this space as it is now. “You can keep hoping,”  says my cat Mayo.




“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

― Ernest Hemingway


“I have my favorite cat, who is my paperweight, on my desk while I am writing.”

-Ray Bradbury

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